On search engines and the future for searching the web

I realized that maybe centralized way of searching the web is not that useful. Yes marginalia and wiby.me are cool but the problem is that if you are not a tech savvy person for example if you are an artist you will realize that it is hard to find art related stuff on these specialized search engines. Since they are made by tech savvy people and are interested in tech. It is only natural for it to be that way. Don't get me wrong i find a lot of really cool stuff from marginalia, wiby, solofield, newgle etc. however they are never catered to my own needs. So i found that YACY is a search engine that has an option for personal indexing. What does that mean? It means you can crawl a site that is in your interest and you will see that the links that are in that website are also related to other websites that the author of that website has interest in. Meaning, by indexing and crawlinf that website you will also crawl other cool websites that you care. The main point of this article is that my suggestion is that instead of relying to search engine websites i think we should just crawl and index websites personally and then when those spesific indexes come to a certain maturation we should just share them on our blogs like "here is my SAKUGA search engine that spesifically indeces sakuga related websites". Then we could juse surf the internet and take only the related seaech engines that are useful to us.

Thanks for reading and following by rss.