Welcome to my Sketchbook tour! Second one to be precise. The first one is actually on Bearblog, i made that one when i was still at the very beginning to blogging. You can see that one if you press here:
So recently i got offered a nigen job. It basically means tiedown in japanese animation. Doing tiedowns for someone else's rafugens. So i started practising by looking at actual genga out there. It was really fun! This one was made for that reason.

Not all of them are referenced tho. For example this one is from my imagination. It is not as good as the referenced one but still. Pretty good for my own level :]. I like it.

This one was again from imagination. Just recently i have actually completed messing around with my mobile game animation portfolio. I was not able to work on my drawing skills because of that. However now that i am done with it i might just go back to practice drawing again.

This one is referenced. This time i will make a sketchbook that is themed tho. I will go and buy 4 color pencils for drawing the genga color seperation lines. I am basically going to make a sketchbook theme about genga. Every sketch that is gonna get drawn on thet sketchbook has to have correct genga notationss and whatnot.

This is referenced too. That way i will get to practice my genga drawing skills too. Not only for drawing but also for actually making the genga, thinkering about notations and whatnot.

This one is from imagination. I still not quite know how to draw hair. It kinda looks ai generated :D.

I am sure that this is from imagination too.

Ah yeah... Imagination. I do not know what i tried here. I think i just tried to get a contrasted compostition by putting 2 different characters on each side of the page while also making them completely contrasted. The one on the right is sad and tired, the one on the left is confident. Left side is bright while the guy on the left is dark and vice versa on the right side. I think it did not quite work out tho. It does not really look good. I could actually take revisions from this by mail!

I love this sketch of da vinci. Partly because it looks like drawings of my gf and also partly because it is so different from rest of his stuff. I think i did a pretty good job imitating his drawing here. I then realized how the character looks like a kung fu fighter :D so i drew another one in the bottom showing her pose.

Just a hand drawing i did when i was still practising hands ( i still should practice hands.)

I drew this one when i was hanging out with my friends. I am pretty happy with the face but where does the arm come from ? I kinda did not make that right :D.

I made this after watching the "fa jin" video of "Sensei Seth" on youtube. I am pretty proud of this one actually. The perspective of the feet, the slight torsion released from the body. The overall posture, i really like this one. However not really many people gave any reaction to this :D.

Just my gf

Practising heads, this was rather early in this sketchbook actually. Before i started practising genga drawings and anime head drawings and whatnot. Looks terrible xD.

Referenced from the gengashuu of HIBIKE! Euphonium.

Ah, i really like this one. I got inspired by both my gf's drawings and also one artist she showed me from pixiv. I tried to get multiple character interaction right. Also trying to come up with another contrast. I tried to pay attention to their legs, tried to place their torsos according to their legs, hope i got it right. It looks right to me. I think these are fairly good :]

One of my friends told me to try drawing the characters as mannequins, so i did that here.

I was just chilling at a nearby park and i basically drew myself sitting in that park while sitting in that park. The general feeling of the scene is inspired by a scene from MONSTER tho.

I don't know what was going in my head when i was making this :D

This one too is not bad i think.

Really liked the character designs of the "TEXHNOLYZE" series. So i drew ichise from cover art.
That was it! Thanks for reading my sketchbook tour :]. Also thank you if you are reading this from an rss reader. Have a good day all!