Since this being my personal website i will make this part of the site my personal status update/bulletin part.
19:15 - 30.08.2024
Just found out that coding is actually fun. Currently trying to learn c++ and dear imgui. I want to make my own image viewer program because all of them are kind of bad. I want to make something like xnview but a much better one. It will be fast, low on resources and it will work like a local pinterest. Because i have too much images in my computer to just browse through them. Gotta learn basic c++ first tho. :] Have a good day!
14:00 - 18.08.2024
I am actually quite good right now. There is still some soreness on my back but overall i am way better than how i was a few days ago. I just discovered Yacy and i am loving it. Wiby, yacy and really helps me search for spessific anime production related queries. However i guess at this point further research on anime might need a higher japanese level. It seems that westerners are more interested in being a fan of anime industry rather than to be a part of it. Gotta learn japanese to research that.
16:23 - 15.08.2024
I hurt my back a few days ago and it hurts constantly right now. Had way worse aches than this before howeveer this is CONSTANT it is hard to bear. Maybe this is what it means to get older.